Habitat for Humanity of Washington and Dodge Counties helps families through its Home Repair Program. This extension of our home building mission promotes home repair with low-income, elderly, disabled, and veteran homeowners who struggle to maintain their homes.

For more information, or questions please call our office at 262-338-0690 or see our program information brochure (PDF),

Our Critical Home Repair services focuses primarily on repair and/or rehab projects that will improve the quality of life for the resident and provide a decent home to live in.  Our Critical Home Repair program is a no-interest loan for homeowners in Washington or Dodge County to be used toward qualifying repairs while providing an affordable term for repayment. The loan amount is based on any materials and professionals hired to complete the repair, there is no charge for our staff or volunteer time.   We like to think of it as a  “hand-up, not a hand-out”.

Similar to other Habitat programs, eligible households for our Home Repair program need to demonstrate:
1) Willingness to partner
2) Ability to pay
3) Need for assistance

Exterior Repairs include: Window repair (screens, glass, glazing) and replacement, minor siding/ trim repair, door replacement, handicap accessibility ramp, replacement of steps/handrails for safety, weather stripping, painting, patching, minor repairs, landscaping in relations to drainage, or providing good and sound conditions, etc.
IInterior work includes: Minor electrical and plumbing repairs, energy efficiency projects/insulation.

To Apply, please fill out this Application

Completed applications can be email, faxed or mailed to the following:

Email: Officemanager@hfhwashco.org
Address: Habitat for Humanity of Washington & Dodge Counties
601 Schoenhaar Dr. West Bend WI 53090
Fax: (262)338-0690

Want to help our with our CHR Program?
See Volunteer application here


  • Clients must seek 2 or more bids from licensed and insured contractors based in Washington or Dodge Counties. 
  • $100 Down payment is required prior to work beginning along with a contract to be signed establishing an agreed upon monthly payment.
  • Loans will be capped at $2,500.00.
  • A lien can be placed on the property after work is complete.
  • Repeating clients can reapply to the program after successfully paying 50% of the projects billing and in good standing. (not missing payments)


Am I eligible?

You must be able to meet all other family financial obligations
– Applicant must currently own and occupy the home that needs the work for at least two (2) years.
– Home must be in our service area and applicant must meet the income guidelines (see below)
– Must be unable to afford necessary home improvements and unable to complete them due to age, disability, or circumstance.
– Applicant will agree to pay back a no-interest loan for the work done on their home.
– Applicant must be able to pay a 0% interest loan with affordable monthly payments. Payments will be based on applicant’s income and agreed upon at signing of contract.
– Willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity of Washington and Dodge Counties.

Download application form (PDF)

2024 Income Guidelines

Use this chart to determine if you meet the income guidelines. Your family’s annual gross (before taxes) income must be below the maximum income shown in the chart below.

8Washington County

1 $25,014.50 $39.308.50
2  $28,588.00  $44,924.00
3  $32,161.50  $50,539.50
4  $35,735.00 $56,155.00
5 $32,593.80 $60,647.40
6 $41,452.80 $65,139.80
7 $44,311.40 $69,632.20
8 $47,170.20 $74,124.60

Dodge County

1 $22,9466.50 $35,304.50
2 $25,676.00 $40,348.00
3 $28,885.50 $45,391.50
4 $32,095.00 $50,435.00
5 $34,662.60 $54,469.80
6 $37,230.20 $58,504.60
7 $39,797.80 $62,539.40
8 $42,365.40 $66,574.20